Why We Created this Site
Alexandra and Fatma with two of the six children of the Maki family
You may possibly ask who the people behind this site are - they are Alexandra Velten and Dr. Rainer Nagel; we are both linguists, and Alexandra is also an Egyptologist. This site is totally non-commercial, as we want to express our gratitude to our Egyptian friends. Of course, we cannot take any liability from the point of view of German law, but we have been to Egypt quite a few times, and have always been fully satisfied!
We are personal friends of the two Hassans (it is pure coincidence that they happen to share that name...) and of Helga's, and thus we thought it a good idea to make these friendly people, and what they are doing, accessible to a larger number of persons. We do hope, of course, that they gain new customers this way, but let it be stated that we do not receive any commission or similar allowances. Our goal is simply to spread the news of Egyptian hospitality further, and to enable tourists to walk beyond the usual, well-trodden paths offered by travel agencies. Thus, feel free to refer to Alexandra and Rainer when talking to either of the Hassans or to Helga.
And maybe we meet one day in Egypt!
Contact: Dr. Rainer Nagel, max-Born-Str. 4, 55129 Mainz
Mail the Webmistress:iskandra@luxor-info.com
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